Anaconda Tag | Building Team Chemistry

Apr 16, 2024

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Kas Pillay

Anaconda Tag is a very fun and unique game that uses very little resources to create an active game which allows students to work on cooperation and team chemistry. Like many of our other minor games, this activity can be used as a warm up, brain break or main point of learning depending on the age of your class and the focus of your lesson.

This game can serve as a good entry point into a discussion about team chemistry, working together and what can happen if teams do no collaborate. Building team chemistry is vital in all sports and has transferable skills which will help students in daily life. A game like Anaconda tag can be that simple tool to start the discussions and exhibit to students what can happen if we don’t all work together!

Team work makes the dream work!  

What Do You Need?                                                  

  • An area of a basketball court

How Do You Play?

  1. Students are free to play this game inside of the boundaries of the court
  2. One student is selected to be the baby snake (tagger)
  3. This student is tasked with the job of tagging as many other students as they can
  4. All the other students need to run away from the baby snake (tagger)
  5. Each time someone is tagged, they join the snake and become a tagger. They join the snake by placing their hands on the first tagger’s shoulders and then cannot remove their hands under any circumstances.
  6. Each time a new student is tagged the snake grows longer and longer
  7. Students who are not at the front of the snake line cannot tag other students or remove their hands
  8. Only the head and tail of the snake can tag students
  9. The last untagged student left if the winner
  10. If the snake chain breaks at any point in the game, the tagging team lose! The tagging team needs to work together in order to be successful. If everyone goes their own way or is unable to lead effectively or follow effectively the team will suffer- great entry point for discussions during sharing time.

Tip: What does it look like when taggers are connected to make a snake?

What Is The Goal Of The Game?

  • The tagger to tag as many students as possible
  • The class cooperating as a large team
  • Building team chemistry and cohesiveness

How Can You Modify It?

Make it Easier!

  • Larger playing area
  • Only the head of the snake can tag
  • Everyone gets two chances

Make it Harder!

  • Have multiple snakes going at once
  • Anyone on the snake can tag
  • Smaller playing area

What are the main skills being utilised?

Technical Skills:

Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor- run, jump, dodge, lunge, side step, leap
  • Stability- turning, balance, stopping, bending, stretching 

Tactical Skills:

  • Scanning the field of play to make decisions
  • Looking for gaps on the field to avoid being tagged
  • Cooperative play, supporting teammates
  • Following rules and structures of a game
  • Critical thinking through decision-making

Why should you build team chemistry with your students?

  1. Common Goals Build Chemistry: When students share goals and a vision, they gel better as a team. Studies consistently show that teams with aligned objectives perform better and feel more connected. (Journal of Applied Sport Psychology)
  2. Building Trust: Effective communication is key to team chemistry. When students communicate openly, listen actively, and give constructive feedback, trust and respect grow. (Dr. Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School 2024).
  3. Bonding Activities Strengthen Relationships Between Peers: Engaging in shared experiences, like team-building exercises or volunteering, fosters stronger connections among students. (Journal of Experimental Education) shows that students who participate in bonding activities report higher levels of cohesion and collaboration.