Royal Bee! Dodgeball Based Strategy Game

Jun 16, 2024

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‘Royal bee’ is a class favourite! be warned…. once you play this game with your class they will ask you to play it almost every lesson. Its is extremely fun, hyper engaging and incorporates risk and strategy in a fun dodgeball based style. The game itself can easily be modified to suit different age groups and of course it can be made safer depending on the needs of your class. The Royal Bee style of dodgeball creates structure and thoughtfulness in comparison to a typical dodgeball game and does not rely on the students with the strongest throws to win a game. Success of teams largely depend on their ability to think strategically and encourages students to work as a **cohesive team **with each player having an important role.

Due to having so many different elements, Royal Bee can engage students who may not have strong skills, as they can still impact the game by defending and protecting their teammates. A wonderful game that can be adapted to create tons of meaningful learning outcomes around strategy and teamwork!

What Do You Need?

  • Soft dodgeballs
  • Playing area (Basketball court)
  • Cones (Optional)

How Do You Play?

  1. Split the class into two equal teams, each team starts the game behind the baseline
  2. In the centre of the field/court, there is a line of dodge balls- sides are not allowed to cross over the centre line at any point during the game
  3. Each team will select one member of their team to be the ‘Queen or King Bee’ this player has to sit on a chair which is between the halfway point of the centre of the basketball court and the team’s baseline 
  4. The Queen or King Bee can not move from the chair during the game and can not touch a dodgeball at all. If they do they lose the game for their team
  5. If either team hits the opposing team’s queen or king bee with a dodge ball, their team is the winner
  6. Teams need to try to defend their queen whilst attacking the other players and opposing queen/king
  7. Teams can throw dodgeballs at the opposition, if they hit an opponent with a dodgeball that has NOT TOUCHED the floor then the player who is hit, is out and waits by the sideline.
  8. If the dodge ball bounces, rolls or touches the floor - the player who touches it or catches it is not out.
  9. If a player catches a thrown dodgeball, they can ask one of their sidelined teammates to rejoin the game. If that player attempts to catch the dodgeball that is thrown but touches it and fails to complete a catch, they are out.
  10. Dodge balls can only be thrown, not kicked or used as shields to defend other dodgeballs  

What is the goal of the game?

  • To protect your queen/king
  • To hit the other team’s king/queen

How can you modify it?

Make it easier!

  • Less dodge balls
  • King/Queen Bee sits further back
  • Bigger playing area

Make it Harder!

  • More dodge balls
  • King/Queen Bee sits closer to the centre line
  • If you are out, it is for the whole game
  • Smaller playing area

What are the main skills being utilised?

Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor- run, jump, dodge, lunge, side step, leap
  • Stability- turning, balance, stopping, bending, stretching

Tactical Skills:

  • Scanning the field of play to make decisions
  • Cooperative play, supporting teammates
  • Following rules and structures of a game
  • Critical thinking through decision-making

Why are strategy games important for students? What does the evidence say?

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Strategy games require students to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. They must analyse situations, anticipate opponents’ moves, and devise tactics to succeed. This cognitive engagement can improve their ability to think strategically and make decisions under pressure.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Strategy games often require teamwork, where students must collaborate, communicate effectively, and understand their roles within the team. This fosters social interaction, enhances communication skills, and teaches the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.
  • Active Participation and Engagement: Strategy games integrate physical activity with mental challenges, ensuring that students are physically active while also engaging their minds. This dual engagement can make PE lessons more enjoyable and stimulating, promoting overall physical and mental well-being.


Helpful Resources: